Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas pictures late!

January's almost over and I haven't even put up my Christmas pictures yet.
Here are a few:

Grandma Jan and Papa John got the girls Tini Puppini's. It's one of the two things Megan asked for. Abby asked for anything that had a commercial. :)

The girls took Aunt Jessie outside to help spread the reindeer food. Abby made the food in preschool (oatmeal and glitter I think).

And here are the milk and cookies for Santa! We leave Rudolph a carrot and a bowl of water.

I didn't get a whole lot of pictures on Christmas Day because I run the video camera, but here are a few at my parents' house.

Here are the kids with cousin Peyton and of course toys!

Grandma Jan always reads to the kiddos.
Peyton got the girls a beader for their hair for Christmas. Everyone liked it... even Uncle Bubba!